To help create a sustainable world for the next generations, we reimagine the relationship between people and the natural world.
The earth can only sustain us if we protect biodiversity, and to protect biodiversity we need resilient systems that address social and economic needs of people. These issues are interlinked and need to be addressed in an all-encompassing strategy.
We protect, rehabilitate, conserve, and preserve historical habitats of biodiverse value, and associated species, in southern Africa, while ensuring sustainability through the active involvement and ownership of people who depend on these lands.
We do this to restore the ancient wildlife migration routes of Maputaland and northern Zululand by connecting existing reserves, building corridors, and forming new protected areas.
We follow the systems view of sustainability and align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We further are guided by the One Health approach and the over arching African concept of Ubuntu.
Be part of the ground team doing critical reserve management work
Ubuntu Wildlife Trust is a fully registered charity in both the United Kingdom and South Africa. Donors within these respective territories are able to obtain a Tax Certificate for their donations.
We are registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales under charity number 1189781. In South Africa we are registered as a non-profit company (NPC 2015/218115/08) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930073764).
We use independent accountants and independent auditor to ensure strict compliance and oversight.