Martyn Randall, our chairman has organised a fundraiser for one of our incredible causes supporting Kruger National Park K9 Anti-Poaching centre. The fundraiser has been set up on his Facebook page and is currently £165 off the target of £350.
The UBUNTU WILDLIFE TRUST has been asked to help support the SANPark’s KRUGER NATIONAL PARK Anti-Poaching K9 CENTRE.
South Africa’s Kruger National Park (KNP) is under even greater threat from poaching than ever before. Foreign and domestic tourism has ground to a halt because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Kruger Park receives 84% of its budget from the proceeds of tourism. A huge number of livelihoods are being threatened, or indeed have already succumbed to the crisis, and wildlife conservation organisations are struggling to fulfil their mandates. The protection of our wildlife heritage
The Kruger National Park covers an area of 19,485 km², equivalent in size to the entire country of Israel. Without the added protection of the eyes and ears of around 5000 tourists per day in and around the Greater Kruger National Park, day and night, the poachers are benefiting from this crisis and the counter poaching units are being stretched to their absolute limits to protect this enormous vulnerable area.
It’s not just the wildlife under threat, but the men, women and dogs on the front line who are also at risk. The poacher’s strategy to removing the threat that the canines pose is to eliminate or neutralize the dogs. Targeted poisonings of these brilliant dogs is but one of the methods employed by them. The importance of supporting the K9 anti-poaching units in the KNP is greater now than ever before.
That is why we are asking for your support to help raise £350 so that the Ubuntu Wildlife Trust who, working with PetEMed, can supply 60 units of Activated Carbon poisoning treatment kits for the KNP K9 Centres. The dog handlers will carry the treatment kits at all times and they have become an integral part of their field equipment. This will eliminate a significant threat and contributes in an enormous way to these special dogs’ welfare and to the ultimate protection of the wildlife.
Any help is appreciated, no matter how small it may seem. Your contribution will be making a difference to protecting the dogs that risk their lives every day, fighting for the future of all the animals in the Greater Kruger National Park.
You can click on the link below to donate through Martyn’s Facebook fundraiser or you can donate to the project through our website by clicking on ‘DONATE’ found on the navigation menu.
From all of us at Ubuntu Wildlife Trust, we would like to thank you all for your continued support.