About the cause
Noctuam operate counter poaching operations throughout South Africa.
In the month of October 2017, five rhinos were brutally killed in one of the areas they operate within the greater Kruger National Park. The poachers all got away with approximately $800,000 worth of illegal rhino horns, leaving the rangers, managers and support staff within the unit heartbroken.
Since that day their ranger team have been deployed on 24-hour standby in the operational areas where they vary between Rapid Response and Long-Range Reconnaissance Operations where the rangers operate for up to ten days at a time with little to no support. The work is extremely intense and hard on both the equipment and those that stand guard.
Noctuam are seeking donations for maintenance equipment to support their Sabi Sands Ranger Barracks. After the Rangers return from their long-range operations, they only have a few days to receive medical attention, rest, shower and especially, wash and maintain their uniforms and gear.
Even though a washing machine is part of our everyday lives, they are in fact vital to the efficiency of the counter poaching units’ day-to-day operations.
If you would like to consider donating to this cause to help make the Rangers very challenging job, just a little bit easier, please click ‘donate’ today. Any help is appreciated, no matter how small it may seem.
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